Thursday, July 19, 2012

A perfect LND

That would be little navy dress!  I know, I am still not supposed to be shopping BUT I had £100 worth of HoF vouchers smouldering away in my handbag - they were birthday pressies and have been there since June!! So, under the guise of finding a dress for Olivia and Matt's wedding as well as wanting to be able to wear it time and time again, I nipped in to Guildford with my Mum and found this little beauty - the 9th dress I tried on;

It is Michael by Michael Kors and is just fabulous, at £97 from £200 I love it even more, and it didn't cost me a penny! 

 Sadly I shall be in flats for the wedding but it will look lovely with heels and will be a great winter option too.  The picture doesn't really do it justice, I shall try take a pic of my wedding outfit so that you get a better idea.  I might have also bought a gorgeous comptoir des cotonniers tee and a second navy (but with a yellow block) shift from Jaeger, BUT I might not keep the Jaeger dress - I can't find it online but if I do keep it I will post, it is beautiful, but admittedly I don't need 2 navy shifts!

From the back

In other news, my sister is home tonight and I cannot wait, it is going to be so lovely to have her home, even for a short while, house is ready, supper sorted, I am just doing nibbly bits, these yummy Jalapeno Poppers included - just need her now..

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