Anyway! Happy 2013 all. Hope the Xmas break treated you well. Mine was a non stop riot of cooking, wine, family, laughter, cleaning, pine needles, Labrador hair, pine needles, wine, rain, ponies, wine, pine needles, cooking.. You get the picture! Loved it though and really loved having the family over from Oz, Heather & Lawrence are just delightful, it was a pleasure to spend time getting to know them and Christmas Day all together, and traditionally English, was fantastic. We now have started making plans to do Xmas down under in 2014, how exciting is that?! We do have a lot to overcome & save up for before then though.
It is a new year though and in celebratory style I've finally succumbed and purchased my long lusted after All Saints Walker leather jacket. Feel a little sick and excited about receiving it but I do hope it's perfect or it will be going back, it's too much to spend on something that isn't. I have high hopes for it taking me through to summer, and talking of summer I have also bought these beauties, half price from Brandalley
Sam Endleman Gigis

That's it for me shopping wise now, doesn't mean I can't compile many a lust list, but no purchasing - in fact I really really need a good wardrobe clear out so will have to embark on that very soon.
Oh and for a tasty & healthy start to new year eating do try this recipe, easily customised and yum Super fab chicken soup
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