BRRRRRRR! I have just come back in from a dog walk and the temp gauge on the car says -4 degrees, yikes.. The ground is frozen solid but everything looks so pretty with the dusting of icing all around. Still, very glad for a big fat log fire and my cardie & uggs combo, not very glam but toasty all the same.
So, preparations for the holidays are well underway, cards written, trees purchased, M&S food order placed, wine delivery expected, school Christmas fair survived, work Christmas party on the horizon and present purchasing almost done! I am really really looking forward to having next week over with so that I can finally start to enjoy all of the festivities and the time off with my lovely family and friends.
Tonight I will be wrapping up warm and going out to see my big girl star as a singing rose seller in the school performance of Oliver. It is (the only lol) a perk of being a school Governor that I get to sit in a front row seat, and I really can't wait to see how all of their hard work has paid off.
This evening's supper is going to be the very wonderful Mexican Lasagne - I do mine slightly differently to Nigella due to fussy kids - I use baked beans and chilli beef but any combos of ingredients work really well, very simple and a big hit here.