Sunday, July 31, 2011

Happy Sunday all! Had a lovely time yesterday, nipped in to town to check out my bridesmaid's dress for Kate and Tom's wedding, I didn't get to see the actual dress as it wasn't in their stock but I saw one similar and looked at the colour swatches, was sooo lovely to be back in a bridal boutique! Also lovely as Zara Phillips and Mike Tindall got married, in Edinburgh and the bride wore Stuart Parvin - as did I :) great choice.

Kate and Tom popped in to see us last weekend before heading off to a friend's wedding, was so lovely to see them, very exciting to talk wedding plans and ideas and I saw a couple of pics of what she has in mind, just stunning! All her ideas are plotted in the Smythson wedding planner that I sent her, which is actually a brighter green than it looked on the site, but fitting due to my delightful nickname (Greenie, BTW). I also saw a photo of her in a real dress and OH MY, she looks just beautiful. That girl is going to be one beautiful bride and I am so so thrilled that I get to be her maid of honour. We toasted their engagement in style in the sunshine

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

I have had some very happy news today - one of my dear friends has just got her longed for BFP!! Very very happy for her, and excited too.. It is still early days mind you so it is still a secret, but I know you lot can handle that ;)

Summer holidays are in full swing and I am shocked at how quickly the time is going. I have lots of plans up my sleeve for my days off and am hoping that we will get a lot done. Most excited about next Friday, weather permitting we are off to West Wittering for the day, which means a very early start to avoid the queues, we have never been before but have high hopes - any recommendations for must see/dos??

Happily we are having a quiet time this weekend which is fantastic, no huge plans and Teya isn't riding so we have a quiet morning ahead. Talking of Teya's riding, she is doing brilliantly well, such a little natural - she is confident cantering out on hacks now and her ability is going from strength to strength. I cannot wait to go out in to our beautiful countryside with her and hope that I will have chance to this summer. The fair is back in town so we are off there with the Ross family on Sunday afternoon followed by a glass of something chilled at the pub before heading off to Pete's surprise 40th BBQ @ Matt and Olivia's! Did I say it was a quiet one?! That was the plan...

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I am shattered today, found out last night that my Sister can't get her little boy a seat on the flight home so she cannot come home for the weekend. I am so so upset it is untrue. She was due to fly home alone originally and her MIL was going to have Andrew for the weekend but her mother (MIL's mother) had a fall on Monday and broke her arm at 90 odd so my sister decided to bring Andrew back (YAY) instead of leaving him with her fraught MIL - but all the flights are full, except for BA who want to charge 800 euro :( so it looks as though she will have to stay at home.

Last night Teya had a temperature of 40 and tummy ache which caused her much grief and I was up most of the night with the poor thing, she seems much better today and is adamant that she will do her sport's day today but I can't help but worry that she will make herself feel worse, poor baby. I hope the rain holds off. What a crappy time. At least I can duck out of work to cheer her on later..

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Back on the diet wagon! Rubbish, but needs must. So far day 2 of no carbing is going well, I really need to get out and run but where is my mojo?! God knows, all I know is that I do not fancy it at the moment, probably due to stress, which is daft because I know that I would feel better if I got out there.

Riggy comes home on Thursday with Andrew and I cannot wait! I have missed them so very much and cannot wait to have a good old chit chat over a glass of bubbly. Need to sort out what we are doing and most importantly what I am cooking (obvs the diet will go out of the window at the weekend, but hey the 80/20 rule) Thursday night I think I will do an 'english' mezze of her fav dishes, not an italian dish in sight! I plan to do, bread, cheeses, big feta and broad bean salad, smoked salmon, asparagus and goat's cheese tart, kettle chips and homemade dips (coronation dip and sweet chilli and creme fraiche) and some twice baked potatoes, that should do the trick! Oh and a cheese cake I think, but need to locate a recipe...

Wednesday, July 06, 2011

I think I must be one of the only people in the country to is very happy NOT to be going to see Take That in concert. Everywhere I turn there are people gushing about the TT tour, the radio, Facebook, Twitter and even my local friends, they are all going crazy for it! Not that I want to sound too much like a grumpy old lady but I really cannot abide them - dullmcdull in my book. Foo Fighters, now I am quite gutted I missed them at Hyde Park recently, that would have been a show worth seeing.