I do love this stunning weather (despite being inside and working presently) the only thing that gets me really hot and bothered though is the great British
public's choice in attire. Do some people look in the mirror before leaving the house??!
My rules for summer dressing are as follows;
1) Plastic bra straps are NEVER acceptable. Either wear strapless or wear a pretty bra underneath, a nice (clean!!!) bra strap is always forgiven.
2) Please shave/wax/
epilate in some way shape or form, we are not continental and straggly arm pit hair is revolting. Ditto leg hair - please remove it, oh and that includes the back of your legs please!
3) If last year's summer clothes are too small, try not to squeeze in to them.
4) Fake tan is OK, if applied properly, but do wash your hands well after lathering up.
5) Cutesy cartoon tee's are best left to those under the age of 5.
6) Step away from
Crocs unless you want to say goodbye to your sex life for good.
7) If you are going to expose your toes, have a pedicure (or at very least make sure you have clean feet and toenails!)
1) Only ever take off your top in the privacy of your own home, and please do not drive shirtless.
2) Use a decent
deodorant3) As per no 5 above, steer clear of
cutesy tees
4)Ditto ones with inappropriate innuendo, making small talk at the school gates with a man wearing a
tshirt that proclaims 'I like to be Down Under, probing through the hot bush' makes me feel rather
5) No socks with your sandals
6) Clean feet at all time too please.
Here's to a summer of harmony!