Mission get Foxy For Florida has started!
So, I am still carrying far too much 'spare' weight around for my liking, due to basically my lack of self control! I love my food and my wine and quite honestly any excuse for a get together or a party and it is apalling news for my waistline.. it is now time to get tough, my bessie Kaz is getting married in Florida on the 14th April and we are spending two weeks out there, wearing minimal clothing so quite frankly I need to do something about my sad sack of a body. OK, in clothes I don't look too bad but zoikes, I do not like my naked self one bit and enough is enough. I can't blame post baby bod either, I am lucky with my genes - nope, no one to blame but me! Good news is that I know I can do it, I have willpower of steel when I put my mind to it, the only thing that I will find v tough is giving up the wine, but the image of me in a bikini as I look now is enough motivation :)
Firstly - I need to start running again, I have blamed my lack of exercising on the weather but I am blatantly too lazy (well what would you rather do, strap on a sports bra and a pair of Nikes and head out in to the freezing January day or curl up on the sofa with Grazia magazine? Exactly) I also need to rein in my eating and drinking, Kev and I have started the year really well with our alcohol free days we have made some spectacular leaps off the wagon too.. Today marks day one of my detox, I am doing that for 3 days and am then going to follow a small portion diet plan, I CBA with no carb, endless salads, brown rice etc so I am just going to eat ballerina sized portions of normal food, drink gallons of water and see how I go. I have been on my thigh trainer too today and will go for a run tomorrow am as soon as I have dropped Zoom at nursery, just before I start work and I am aiming to get back to running 3 x per week and thigh training a further few.
Weekends I will be less strict with myself, hell I know I will fail if I set myself too strict a regime! I want 10 lbs off by end of Feb, and a total loss of 1.5 stone by the time April rocks around.
Wish me luck, so far I have had water water and water and I am feeling good.. long may it last..